DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Barat

Oli Refrigerant

Harga :
Merk :
Pembelian Minimal :
1 pcs
Pembelian Maksimal :
100 pcs
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Barat
Dilihat :
100 Kali
Update Terakhir :
02-02-2024 00:29

Detail Produk

  • UNISO GS Oils are miscible well with HCFC and CFC refrigerants such as R-22, R-502 and R-12 while featuring excellent stability and giving long trouble-free service life in the refrigeration systems using above refrigerants. In addition, SUNISO GS Oils also perform excellently with natural refrigerants such as R-717, R-600a and R-290.
  • SUNISO GS Oils are refined from specially selected naphthenic crude oils by special method assuring excellent lubricity and other properties.
  • SUNISO GS Oils are approved by all major air-conditioner, refrigerator, freezer, car air-conditioner manufacturers in the world.
Density 15°C g/cm3
0.909 0.915 0.921
Color ASTM  
L0.5 L1.0 L1.0
Viscosity 40°C mm2/s
29.5 54.9 94.6
Viscosity 100°C mm2/s
4.31 5.97 7.78
Flash Point COC °C
178 188 208
Pour Point   °C
-40 -35 -27.5
Total Acid No.   mgKOH/g
0.01 0.01 0.01
Aniline Point   °C
75.4 79.8 80.4
Water   ppm
20 20 20
Floc Point   °C
-53 -46 -35

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